Environmental Health
The Environmental Health division of the Foothills Health District has the responsibility of ensuring the residents of Rutherford and McDowell Counties have a clean and healthy environment where they can work, live and play.
This is accomplished by inspecting and insuring the compliance of local and state environmental regulations.
Inspections that Environmental Health are responsible for include: Septic Systems, Public Swimming Pools, Tattoo Parlors, Hospitals, Day cares, schools, nursing and rest homes, lodging and food handling establishments which includes food vendors at events such as fairs and festivals. In addition we also perform lead investigations.
QR Codes
To help our customers obtain our contact Information we have generated QR Codes to you to scan using your Smart Phone. This will work with iOS and Android. Open your camera app and in the viewer hover over the County Environmental Health you would like to save. for 2-3 seconds.