On Tuesday, June 29, 2021 from 9am-11am Rutherford County Health Department (221 Callahan Koon Rd. Spindale, NC) will hold a COVID-19 Vaccine event.  There will be a $25 gift card giveaway for those 18 years or older who receive their first COVID-19 vaccine and to whomever drives them there. This limited to the first 100 people and only on 6/29/21 from 9am-11am.

Update:  As of August 4, 2021 the Rutherford County Health Department has exhausted the supply of $25 gift cards and are no longer available.


Public Input Requested for 100% Smoke and Tobacco Free Rutherfordton

The Town Council of Rutherfordton is asking for public input on their consideration of adopting 100% smoke and tobacco-free ordinance to improve the health of citizens. Please take the time to visit their website and complete the survey located here:  https://www.rutherfordton.net/rutherfordton-looking-to-clear-the-air-with-a-smoke-tobacco-free-ordinance-and-seeks-public-feedback/


If the COVID-19 Vaccine is free, why are you being asked to show your health insurance card?

We ask for your insurance card because, we can be reimbursed an administration fee, paid by your insurance company, to help cover the cost of setting up the clinic, storing the vaccine, and all the data and record keeping the federal government requires for every vaccine that is administered.

Congress has ruled that insurance company’s CANNOT pass along the charges to the consumer. If someone try’s to charge you for the vaccine, don’t pay it.

Those persons who do not have insurance, the fee is covered by the Provider Relief Fund.

It might help to think about when you receive your flu, pneumonia, or shingles vaccine. Your insurance covers the cost of the administration fee associated with those vaccines as well.

We want to assure you that you will not receive a bill for your COVID-19 vaccine.
And, we want to say “THANK YOU” for helping North Carolina move forward in this pandemic.



Photo of cars in lines ready to receive the COVID vaccine.

The COVID-19 Vaccination Schedule for Rutherford County, North Carolina

Beginning Tuesday, May 4, 2021, anyone in need of a COVID Vaccine can visit the Rutherford County Health Department (221 Callahan Koon Rd. Spindale, NC) on Monday thru Friday 8:30am until 4:15pm. Vaccine services will be provided through our immunization department. No appointment needed

Vaccine is currently available for anyone over the age of 12*.   18 years old is the minimum age for the Moderna vaccine.  For 12-18 year old, please call prior to visiting our office to insure availability of Pfizer vaccine which has been authorized by the FDA and CDC.  You do not need to be a resident of Rutherford County to visit our vaccine clinic.  



TB In North Carolina

Although tuberculosis (TB) is one of North Carolina’s leading infectious causes of death, cases continue to decline but are far from eradicated.  It is possible to prevent TB disease by providing medical treatment to individuals with latent TB infection (LTBI) so that they do not develop active TB disease.  Although TB disease can sometimes be fatal, prompt treatment and appropriate medication can cure it.

Since 1980, the number of new cases has declined by 4% each year in North Carolina. The number of new cases decreased from 296 to 185 between 2010 and 2019.  TB cases in North Carolina have declined significantly due to the state and local resources used to improve the TB program.

TB is a public health threat in North Carolina that needs to be controlled by reducing the number of new cases of TB and blocking its spread to the general population.


The cost for a screening or a TB skin test required for employment or school is $25. There is no charge if the client is has symptoms for TB or has been determined to be a contact with someone with active TB. For a client with a positive skin test, a Public Health Nurse will offer counseling, chest X-rays, medical referrals, contact tracing and testing, and provide medication if applicable. Tuberculosis Control Services are provided at no cost to the client.


Clinic visits are by appointment only. If you do not have an appointment please contact one of our offices.  The tests are administered on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The client is required to return to the Clinic 72 hours after the skin test is placed to be evaluated by a nurse. Tuberculosis skin tests are most accurate at 72 hours after administration.

**Please note: We cannot give you a live vaccine within 28 days of a TB test unless they were given on the same day.




Other Resources:

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Tuberculosis Information (English)


Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Tuberculosis Information Spanish / Español)




Appointments at McDowell County Health Department

(828) 652-6811 ext 382

Appointments at Rutherford County Health Department

(828) 287-6100 option #2

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinic

A sexually transmitted disease (STD) also known as sexually transmitted infection (STI), is a disease passed from person to person through sexual contact. Learn more about common STDs.

The health department provides confidential testing, diagnosis, treatment, counseling and reports sexually transmitted diseases. Services are confidential.

STD Clinic: Appointments are available for people with symptoms of sexually transmitted infections & those who report being a contact to someone with a sexually transmitted infection.


STD Clinic visits are by appointment only.

If you do not have an appointment, please call your local Foothills Health District Office.

McDowell County Residents please call (828) 652-6811 extension 382
Rutherford County Residents please call (828) 287-6100 option #2


To learn more about common Sexually Transmitted Diseases please visit:

Appointments at McDowell County Health Department

(828) 652-6811 ext 382

Appointments at Rutherford County Health Department

(828) 287-6100 option #2





COVID-19 Vaccination Team Members prepare to give vaccinations

January 27, 2021

RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NC – This past weekend the Foothills Health District, along with Emergency Management provided over 800 vaccines at the Rutherford County Health Department. This appointment only clinic was possible with the collaboration and partnerships with outside agencies and volunteers. The team work shown among all these individuals allowed our community to get the much needed COVID19 vaccine. Thank you to Public Health, Rutherford County Emergency Management, Rutherford County Emergency Services, McDowell County Emergency Services and many amazing volunteers. A true testimony of caring for the community! We would like to thank the community for their continued patience, kind words and support as we maneuver this ever changing emergency response to COVID19.    





The Centers for Disease Control Website is a reputable website with up-to-date information



The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Website is a reputable website with up-to-date information

Rutherford Regional Hospital

Information from Rutherford Regional Hospital is another reputable website with up-to-date information


McDowell Cares

The McDowell Cares website will bring together faith based organizations, community resources and information during times of local crisis.


Heading Level 4


Legionnaires’ Disease Can Cause Pneumonia Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease can include:
► Cough
► Muscle aches
► Fever
► Shortness of breath
► Headache

Doctors use chest x-rays or physical exams to check for pneumonia. Your doctor may also order tests on a sample of urine and sputum (phlegm) to see if your
lung infection is caused by Legionella.

Legionnaires’ Disease Is Serious, but Can Be Treated
with Antibiotics

Legionnaires’ disease is treated with antibiotics (drugs that kill bacteria in the body). Most people who get sick need care in a hospital but make a full recovery.  However, about 1 out of 10 people who get Legionnaires’ disease will die from the infection.

Certain People Are at Increased Risk for
Legionnaires’ Disease

Most healthy people do not get Legionnaires’ disease after being exposed to Legionella. Being 50 years or older or having certain risk factors can increase your chances of getting sick. These risk factors include:
► Being a current or former smoker
► Having chronic lung disease, such as emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
► Having a weakened immune system from diseases like cancer, diabetes, or kidney failure
► Taking medication that weakens your immune system

Legionella Are Usually Spread through Water Droplets
in the Air
In nature, Legionella live in fresh water and rarely cause illness. In man-made settings, Legionella can grow if water is not properly maintained. These manmade
water sources become a health problem when small droplets of water that contain the bacteria get into the air and people breathe them in. In rare cases, someone breathes in Legionella while they are drinking water and it “goes down the wrong pipe” into the lungs. In general, people do not spread Legionnaires’ disease to other people.

To learn more visit: https://www.cdc.gov/legionella/index.html

Legionnaires’ (LEE-juh-nares) disease is a very serious type of pneumonia (lung infection) caused by bacteria called Legionella. If you develop pneumonia symptoms and may have been exposed to Legionella, see a doctor right away. Be sure to mention if you have used a hot tub, spent any nights away from home, or stayed in a hospital in the last two weeks.

Graphic from CDC showing 9 in 10 outbreaks were caused by problems preventable with more effective water management.





Source: Centers for Disease Control